Supporting someone in Tasmania

Do you support someone in Tasmania who is feeling sad, stressed or worried, is experiencing suicidal distress, or has attempted suicide? Are you finding it hard to get the right support for you?
You’re not alone and there is help available. Providing support can be challenging and can affect your own energy, time, finances and emotions.
Tasmanian Government logo
That’s why we are working with the Tasmanian Department of Health to help you support your family member or friend in Tasmania.
A couple watching sunrise at the peak of Mount Amos

Our free self-paced online programs


Family and friends supporting someone who has attempted suicide

Learn practical skills and strategies to support your family member or friend, including how to talk about suicide, respond to stigma and navigate complicated feelings. Explore the impacts of providing support and different ways to look after yourself. Hear family and friends share their experiences of providing support and tips from suicide prevention experts.

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Family and friends supporting the mental health of paramedics

Learn practical skills and strategies to support your family and friends who face unique challenges to their mental health as paramedics. Connect with other people supporting paramedics and hear from paramedics and mental health experts to increase your understanding of mental health and look after yourself.

Learn more

There is always help available for you and the person you support.

I need help now

Find support in Tasmania

The below services are not crisis support. Find help now.
Tasmanian Government
Access Mental Health
1800 332 388

24/7 mental health support and referral phone line provided by the Tasmanian Department of Health with Lifeline Tasmania.

Peacock Centre
10 Elphinstone Road, North Hobart 7000
Safe Haven
9am-10pm every day for people aged 15 years and over, who are experiencing situational or suicidal distress, and their families or support networks.
Mental Health Integration Hub
9am-5pm on weekdays in-person peer support to help navigate mental health services.
Recovery College
Free courses for all Tasmanians about mental health and wellbeing.

Mental Health Families and Friends Tasmania
03 6228 7448

Phone referral and support for family and friends supporting someone experiencing mental health concerns, alcohol or other drug use, or suicidal distress from 9.30am – 3.30pm, Monday to Thursday.
Self-advocacy toolkit for family and friends
A resource to help the voices of families and friends supporting a person living with mental health concerns be heard.
Safe Spaces Peer Support Program
Peer support that brings together family and friends to support, learn from, and connect with each other.
Follow-up, one-on-one support and referral help for family and friends with the Lived Experience Project Officer at Mental Health Families and Friends Tasmania. You can call on 0429 121 576 from 10am – 6pm, Monday to Friday.

Find Help Tas
Connecting Tasmanians with local community services.

A Tasmanian Lifeline - 1800 98 44 34
Phone support 8am-8pm every day of the year for Tasmanians who need someone to talk things through with, or need someone to listen.

Peer CARE Companion Warmline
1800 77 PEER (1800 77 7337)

A suicide prevention call-back service provided by people with lived experience of suicide at Roses in the Ocean. Leave a message and a Peer CARE Companion will connect with you within 48 hours.

Anglicare Tasmania
The Way Back Support Service
1800 243 232

Free support for people in the first few months following suicidal distress provided by Anglicare Tasmania.

1800 422 737 (press 1 at the menu)

Emotional, practical and tailored support for carers, including 24/7 emergency support and phone counselling 8am- 5pm, Monday to Friday.

ATDC logo
A service directory of phone counselling, information and referrals for anyone seeking help for their own or another person’s alcohol, tobacco or drug use.

Thank you to the organisations that support this project



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