You are not on this journey alone. Across Australia, many family members, friends, and colleagues support someone experiencing mental health concerns or suicidal distress.
We understand that while supporting someone can be rewarding, it can also be challenging for you.
We’ve heard from many family and friends about the obstacles they face in finding the time, energy, money or services to support someone. Your wellbeing matters, and giving to others can leave your cup empty.
Prioritise your wellbeing. Our free online programs and resources are designed to help you on your caregiving journey.

Sign-up to our programs

Family and friends supporting the mental health of paramedics
Learn practical skills and strategies to support your family and friends who face unique challenges to their mental health as paramedics. Connect with other people supporting paramedics and hear from paramedics and mental health experts to increase your understanding of mental health and look after yourself.
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Family and friends supporting someone who has attempted suicide
Learn practical skills and strategies to support your family member or friend, including how to talk about suicide, respond to stigma and navigate complicated feelings. Explore the impacts of providing support and different ways to look after yourself. Hear family and friends share their experiences of providing support and tips from suicide prevention experts.
Learn more