Why Minds Together

Do you support someone that feels worried, stressed or sad? They may have experienced trauma at work or in their life. They may have a history of mental illness or are showing symptoms for the first time. They may have had thoughts of suicide or attempted suicide.

Supporting friends and family who feel like this can affect your own energy, time, finances and emotions. You may be feeling overwhelmed, worried or unsure of what you should say to your family member or friend. These feelings may have increased during recent events like COVID-19, natural disasters and financial stress.


Minds Together can help

Minds Together is for partners, spouses, family members, friends and colleagues who provide most of the support for people experiencing mental health concerns or suicidal distress in Australia.

We will help you support your family member or friend. We will also help you look after yourself so you can be there for them.


Is Minds Together for me?

We use the terms ‘family and friends’ and ‘caregivers’ to describe anyone providing unpaid help, care or support to someone experiencing mental illness, mental health concerns or suicidal distress. We also use the terms ‘support’ and ‘caregiving’ to describe your multi-dimensional role. You may identify more strongly with one term over another.


Let's hear from Minds Together participants

Minds Together is an Everymind program. Everymind has developed programs to prevent mental ill-health and suicide in different communities and professions across Australia for 30 years. Our current programs support family and friends, small business owners, media professionals, family day care and the suicide prevention sector.

Everymind works in partnership with the communities we serve, including people with personal experience of mental health concerns and suicide. We value the knowledge and contribution of people with lived experience across our work.
